Reunion Updates


Main Event, when was it?

October 8, 2016 Saturday evening 6:30PM-11:00PM-
Hagan Center Hall
Assumption College
500 Salisbury St.
Worcester, MA 01609

Speakers, who were they? 

Mr. Bruce Wells
Mark Fins
Mike Hersh
Barry Levenson

Reunion DJ, who was he?
Former FM Radio and Nightclub DJ, Jim Vuona, Mr. Big’Z Music Machine.  

Weekend Events-Optional, what were they?

October 7, 2016 Meet and Greet-Luciano’s at Union Station,
October 8, 2016 Site Tour of Irving St. and a tailgate lunch

October 9, 2016  Brunch- Club Maxine’s (Maxwell Silverman’s) 

Thank you to all donors!

                       BENGAL TIGERS


Carol (Bonardi) LeBoeuf..Committee discretion
Stacey(Christy)Terrio…Committee discretion

Karen (DeWaele) Pennell…
creating & donating all centerpieces
Janet (Dupont) Ritsko…Committee discretion
Mark Fins..Committee discretion

Sherman Goldstein…
Committee discretion
Susan (Hill) McGinnis…flowers, plants, decorations
Ann (Jankowski) Popoli…Committee discretion

Barry Levenson (Mr. Mustard)…
our own official Reunion Mustard for all
Gay Lockwood…
Committee discretion
Claire (Kaskan) Nagle…
costs of printing and mailing
Marilyn (King) Rice…Committee discretion
Eileen (McKiernan) Bagley…towards DJ
Charlotte (Morello)Richard…”In Memory of Lynn Cushing”

Loretta (Morris) Tharp…
Classical tour and lunch
Virginia (Morse)Hamburg…Committee discretion
Audrey (Plotkin) Zamkow… Guests of Honor sponsor
Sandra (Slack) Varnum…Committee discretion
Glenn Van Wickle…Committee discretion

Gary Wise…
Committee discretion
Anonymous 1 “From a classmate who loves you all very much.”…   Committee Discretion
Anonymous 2…
towards DJ

What is a Bengal  Tiger?
A Bengal Tiger is anyone who donates $100 or more to the 2016 Class Reunion.  All Bengals will be recognized on this page and at the event unless they wish to remain anonymous.

The following classmates have made donations to support the 2016 Reunion. Donors will be recognized
on this page and at the event unless they wish to
remain anonymous.

Marcia (Dunton) Ciaccio…Committee discretion
James Cronin…Committee discretion
Katherine Gilberg…Committee discretion
Barbara (Jaffee) Kriensky…Committee discretion
John Pezanelli…Committee discretion

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