Reunion Updates


Go to the PHOTOS tab for pictures of the reunion taken by the photographer. Enjoy all over again !

For those of you who are on Facebook all the Reunion pictures are on the Classical High ’66 et als. page under the album “50th Reunion October 8, 2016.” Have fun all over again!

See below the link to T&G Reunion article!

Go to photos page for the updated sound track of Mike Hersh’s Reunion Song.

The Reunion Committee hopes everyone had a great time, hugged old friends, made new friends and most of all created memories for the next phase of this journey we call “life.”

Health, Happiness and Peace to you.


Go to the Reunion page and see the list of Bengal Tigers.

 Please continue to use the comment section and send us any great photos to share with others.

Click on link below to read the T&G article on our Reunion.



  • Make payable to
    Classical 1966 50th Reunion
  • Mail to
    Francis Brennan, 84 Vernon St., Worcester, MA 01610-1932

Alma Mater

Oh, Alma Mater ever dear,
To all thy sons and daughters here;
And countless others far and near,
Classical, Classical, here’s to thee.

Let service be they fountainhead,
Of all thine inspiration led;
By heroes thine fair farne we’ll spread,

Classical, Classical, here’s to thee.

Thy loyal children all are we,
We pledge our hearts and lives to thee;
Our beacon shalt thou ever be,
Classical, Classical, here’s to thee.

Strong for the right thy son’s shall be,
And truth shall set thy children free;
And thou their guiding star shalt be,
Classical, Classical, here’s to thee.

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