Class Comments

We would like to hear from everyone. Use the form below to send a comment about yourself, and it will be posted here. Posts to which you reply DO NOT go to the person to whom you reply, but are posted only on this site. To send a message to that person directly, go to the contact page and get their personal email address.

Claire Nagle
Looking forward to our 50th reunion! Those three years made a positive impact on my life, i.e., downtown location, friends, teachers, activities, outlook.  Several years ago, ended a long tenure with a large corporation as a Sr. Consultant .  Started  my “Renaissance” (not retirement) and love having more time to spend with my two daughters, four grandchildren, family and friends. Enjoy volunteering for a Food Bank and the local Library, serving on two Boards of Directors, fundraising and long term planning. Enjoy  adventure travel, domestic and foreign, with a goal to step on every continent.  Visited China, Europe, Egypt, Australia and New Zealand,  Machu Picchu and Galapagos, North America, including Hawaii. Antarctica is waiting!  Enjoyed helicopter, camel, mule, river raft/speedboat, hot air balloon,  motorized glider, mag/lev rides and a tandem skydive. Had ups and downs, but life is good.

Loretta Tharp
I am enjoying life especially since retirement 3 years ago. My two daughters and six grandchildren are the love of my life along with my husband Jim, CHS graduate 1965. I continue to enjoy biking, skiing and traveling as my favorite retirement activities. Although retired I continue to teach yoga which is my favorite passion next to meeting and enjoying friendships. My heart is truly open to life in these wonderful years.

24 thoughts on “Class Comments”

  1. Listening to the angry political debates today reminds me of what my civics teacher at Classical, Mr. Koki, often said in class: People get the government they deserve. Hopefully we reject our lower selves as a country and strive for the best in who we are.

  2. Hello….I am undecided as of 02/16… Reasons, there are many. Foremost, having a drink or a puff of medical hooch with STRANGERS (50 years)and listening to ones life stories, good bad or indifferent is right up there . No reflection on anyone just being honest. So with that opine, I will be waiting until the last minute to make a decision. Thanks to ALL who spent countless hours preparing for the reunion. Neal Comen is alive and well and wishes my classmates from the last CLASS all the best.

  3. I’m not going to write a long catch-up on the last 50 years: I’ve been at all the last few reunions and enjoyed them more than I ever thought I would when attending Classical. I would like thank all the people who’ve put so much effort into keeping us in touch with one another, from John Stubbe and his original forum, to Fe Sacks and the Facebook page, to the reunion committee and this great new page. Reunion plans look wonderful, and I plan to attend all. The biggest problem I can see is we don’t have a “host” hotel picked. We had a great time 5 years ago when we were all in one place. In my experience booking events, hotels are sometimes willing to kick back a fee if they are designated as primary accommodations.

    1. Stacey, you have made a good comment. We will investigate one of the hotels down town for holding rooms. We decided a change of venue for some of the events was in order this year. Many classmates have not been to the city since their senior year so we thought it nice to have them see some of the changes that have taken place with Union Station being one of them. Please look back to see if we were able to get some rooms.

    2. Stacy,
      Thank you for this comment. We have reviewed area hotels and think at this time it is best for each person to select their own spot. In order for us to hold rooms we would have to sign a contract and pay for all the rooms whether used or not since it is the holiday week end. Not knowing how many are in need of accommodations at this time we cannot do this. We do have things happening every evening and day so the opportunity to be together is still there. Please see the Reunion Page for additional information on accommodation thoughts. we look forward to seeing you at the event.

    3. Hi Stacey, all…
      One of the most fun things for me at the 40th and 45th was bumping into people I hadn’t seen for years and (slowly sometimes) having the fog clear as I recognized who they were. What a treat! So even if we can’t get reduced rates, perhaps we can suggest one of the hotels as primary, so that we build a critical mass.

      Anyway, just a thought.

      Best to all… John

  4. Many thanks committee members for your hard work planning the 50th reunion. I retired 2 years ago after working as a Social Work Administrator in New York State Government agency in New York City
    for 37 years. I live in a small town on the Jersey Shore about 50 miles south of NYC. Life has been good to me since I left Classical. Planning to attend the reunion in October.

    1. Michael, great to hear from you and look forward to seeing you.
      We don’t have an email contact for you, so please go to the Missing section and send your email address to the contacts listed. A classmate would like to connect with you.

  5. Over time I have come to appreciate even more the education I received at Classical as it laid the foundation for success throughout my life: having lived in Wellesley and Brookline for the past thirty years, I still appreciate and remember the teachers I had providing a first-rate education that often times only private schools offered: Classical was such a school only it was a public school and close to downtown Worcester so one could walk or even take the bus.

  6. Thanks to the committee
    Both my husband & I will attend. We’re looking forward to the occasion. The check will be in the mail”

  7. Hi Claire and Loretta,
    Great job to you both, my friends, and to everyone on the committee! It’s obvious that a lot of thought and attention to detail has gone into the website and planning our reunion later this year! It looks like a wonderful reunion and I look forward to it and reliving our youth. You know that those days were so important and special because so many of us are still friends 50 years later!
    with appreciation for all your hard work,

  8. I too, have been traveling over the years, many times as a chaperone, to China, Russia, Argentina, Brazil, Israel, Morocco, Albania, Croatia, and many other countries in Europe. A few months ago I retired from a full and varied job as museum educator at The National Museum of Natural History having run numerous festivals and global workshops. I also designed the Explore Gallery a multi-media interactive space in the Smithsonian’s Museum of American Art which introduced kids and their families to art in a new way. And I was the subject of a chapter in the book Museum People. I think my relatives bought most of the copies. I continue to work as an artist and show paintings in several galleries. Recently I have been both a visiting professor at Howard University and a student at American University, my alma mater- both are quite an experience. I look forward to reconnecting with many of you. All my best, Margie

  9. Wow, I just went on the deceased list and am so sad to see so many amazing people.. not fair…

    Cindy Osborn is alive and well on Facebook and lives up north…she is on the missing list…

  10. I want to thank the committee for creating such a wonderful user friendly site that allows us the opportunity to view news and plans.
    I am devastated by the deceased list, shocking.
    Thank you again for all your hard work

    1. Eileen, thank you for your wonderful comments. We are glad you like the site. Your comments and those of others mean a lot to us. We have so enjoyed working on it and love getting everyone’s comments. I hope you will keep returning to read new comments from others and to get updates on the reunion and other activities. Hope to see you at the event.

  11. 50 years? Really? But we are all still so young. Some of us have never even grown up. My gift to everyone at the reunion will be a jar of Classical ’66 Reunion Mustard. I suspect a few of you know what I’ve been doing with my life since Worcester but here’s a peek:

    Thanks to Loretta and Claire and everyone who has done so much to keep the legacy of Classical ’66 alive.

    1. Barry, thank you so much for your update it was fun to watch. Can’t wait to see you at the Reunion and thank you for donating the “classical mustard”. Yes, there are those of us that never grew up, isn’t it fun!

  12. Will try to make the trip up for the 50th. Ran into Dick Lutsk in Lawrence, KS where he was preparing to broadcast the HC basketball game. Wow, that’s a job I wish I had. He said he would attend also.

  13. After attending Barrington College in Barrington, Rhode Island, I married Sharon (D’Angona) from the class of ’67. We immediately made Cape Cod our home, raising three wonderful children. I worked 34 years in banking on the Cape, and retired at age 56 as the Regional Vice President of 17 branches on Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard. Sharon began her working career as a teacher at Trinity Christian Academy on the Cape, and 35 years later she retired as Trinity’s principal and headmaster. We now enjoy full time the Cape Cod that Patti Page sang about, as well as our 3 children and 5 grandchildren. As active RV’ers it is also a joy to have the time to travel this great country and see the majesty of His creations. We also spend winters in Florida, and some quality time at our wild blueberry farm in Nova Scotia. God is so good … all the time!

    1. Hello Glenn,

      Chris Dakas here, you probably don’t remember me but we spent some time together at your home, I believe on Winslow St. I just wanted to see if you plan to attend. It would be nice to see you again. Laura and I have been overseas for the past twenty five years as missionaries and and have not been able to attend a reunion. We are thinking about going to this one



  14. For all the remarkable work you’ve done in such a short period of time….. Claire, Loretta, Frannie B, and Audrey
    we wholeheartedly say thank you.

  15. Where did 50 years go?? It really does seem like yesterday when we were roaming the halls of CHS. It will be great to see everyone at the 50th reunion. My husband Stan and I have been happily married for almost 43 years. We have a wonderful daughter, Leah, who with her husband, has just made us very proud and happy grandparents of Logan Jacob. I retired 3 years ago from pharmaceutical sales recruiting, and I have been enjoying more free time to spend with family and friends. I love to travel–some our main trips have been to Africa, Israel, Australia, and New Zealand as well as many European Countries. For the last 3 years we have been spending a good part of the winter at our home on the island of Bonaire. Looking forward to seeing you in October!!

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